Wednesday, July 25, 2012

In the dolls house part 1.

There once was a little girl called Lilith. Lilith's mum worked at a toy shop, her dad worked there too. the toy shop is Toys of life. One day Lilith found a dark empty room so she thought. Lilith decided to explore so she got a torch and found a little dollhouse. Lilith ran to get her parents. As soon as Lilith opened the door they found themselves inside the dolls house.

There was lots of people inside. Lilith found another little little girl called Rose. Rose showed Lilith and her parents around. Lilith and here parents lost their voice after that. Rose and Lilith shared a room, which they were VERY happy about. Once they had their tea which was a BIG feast they went to bed.

In the morning they had breakfast and went to get some new clothes made for them. On their way to the seamstress they meet Sophie who was a mischief maker and Brodie the dog walker. Once they had got their clothes they followed Rose to the games room.

After a week Lilith knew where everything was. Lilith and Rose were BFFLS. Lilith and Roses parents also friends but not BFFLS like Lilith and Rose.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Term 3 work.

This week we have started to make venician masks. We are also doing myths and legends.I have done a character web about Maui. Our masks will go on display at the cultural festival.