Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Jesse is nine years old and he lives in Rolleston. Jesse has one sister. In his spare time he plays badminton. When he grows up he wants to be a zoo-keeper. Jesses favorite food is apple crumble. Jesses favorite subject is maths. Really loud screaming annoys him. Jesse is scared of fake ghosts that come out of nowhere.

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Emelias house

YouTube Video

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Burnham school

Burnham school rocks
Unique in many ways
Really cool students
Nice teachers
Has a nice playground
Awesome work
Many sports games

So many friends
Cool enviro-group
Has fun learning
One awesome comunity
Oh so fun
Lots of computers and I-pads

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to be the best you can at the cultural festival.

Goal: To be the best you can at the cultural festival

You will need:
- Kapa haka teacher - Smile - Jumper
- Kapa haka group - feathers - bare feet
- Pukana - background music - black lip stick
- safety pins - songs - poi - 1 earring


1. Decide on a few songs to do with with your kapa haka group.
2. Practice,practice,practice so you get it perfect.
3. Try on your costumes to make sure they fit.
4. Using your safety pins to fix your dress.
5. Put your buetifull hair in a bun to keep your hair in use the bobby pins,hairnet, and hair spray.
6. Get dressed into your outfit.
7. Put black lip stick on, earring on your right ear, and feathers on your bun.
8. Take your shoes and socks off same with your jumper.
9. If your black lipstick is coming off, put some more on.

Now your ready to go on the stage and do your best.

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Location:CBS Areana